I could swear that I just posted a blog update, but here I am posting almost a month after my last entry. I guess it could have something to do with the fact that I was beating myself into the ground until last Thursday or so. Or not.
I finished the heavy mileage weeks in my marathon training schedule without major problems. I finally figured out a system that kept my feet mostly happy (new socks and a lot of bag balm). I ran 20 miles without incident. I did have some stomach issues at about 18.5 miles where I thought I was going to puke on the side of the trail, but I was able to walk it off and finish the run. I have been having a few minor problems with my IT band, but that really isn't anything new and is sort of my own fault since I've been slacking on cross training, my PT exercises, and core work. I'm hoping that the reduced mileage I'm now running along with lots of stretching/IT band work/core work/massage will make my left leg happy and ready to run 26.2 miles. We shall see on May 29th.
In other news, my touring bike came in about a week and half ago. It wasn't supposed to come until this week, so I was pretty surprised to get the call to pick it up. I've ridden it a few times, but I still don't have the fit dialed in. I think it needs a new stem and I KNOW it needs a new saddle. I'm also looking at racks and such. I will definitely post pics when she's up and running!
I've also been cross stitching in the evenings. I'm doing a Little Mermaid pillowcase for my niece for her birthday. Let's just say that it's taking WAY more time to finish that I was thinking it would. I did some x-stitch when I was younger, and I had forgotten how much I like it. I'm thinking of doing some quilt panels (either x-stitch or embroidery) and making a quilt for a winter project.
But, I really don't want to think about winter since spring/summer has finally arrived in Saskatoon!
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